Monday, June 14, 2010

New Website Up and Running

After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, the website is up and running. Whee!

The main purpose is to try to bring together the many disparate projects I've always got going on. Remnants of them are in various locations around the Web, but it always seems haphazard. will be a central point that can be referred to at any given time, to see what's happening in my current world.

For quite some time, the only endeavor I had on the Web was the record label, PME Records. It could, and can, be found at At one point there was a MySpace page also devoted to the label, but MySpace had become such a digital ghetto by the middle of 2009 that it no longer seemed worthwhile.

The projects fall into several categories: Images, films, music, video, and this blog. Within those categories are several subcategories. The music projects, for example, are composed of the label, my own recordings, and licenseable music from Easter Island. All of those are accessible from the main page of

The same is true of the films, which are in various stages of pre and post production. Descriptions of the three films I and my team are working on are reachable from the main page, so I won't go into them here.

Video clips are licenseable from a British company called Pond5, and the entire range is just a click away from the main page. There are other clips as well, posted on YouTube. These other clips include clips that won't be available on Pond5 (because they're being saved for a longer film). Trailers and interviews will be uploaded as they become available.

Images are also licenseable, from a separate company called Alamy. You can also license directly from the main page at, though the functionality to fully monetize that portion has not yet been delivered by our developer. He's not that easy to work with, and he has other projects that often take up his time, so sometimes he gets cranky when asked to rewrite the web page. As if you hadn't guessed, I'm the developer.

The most current image project, which will take years to fully develop, is timelapse night shots of various geological formations around the United States. These timelapses will then be put into video clips, showing the movement of the night sky in relation to the formations. Ultimately, they'll be put into a short film, and released to festivals, and also be available for sale. But the nature of the type of filming makes the process very time-consuming, and each clip can take weeks to prepare. So while each clip will be on YouTube as it's completed, the final result won't be available for quite some time.

The final piece of the puzzle, this blog, is a little harder to pin down. It may eventually become a memoir of my time in the music industry, or it may become a collection of short stories. Or perhaps a cookbook. There's really no way of knowing, until it's been around for much longer than it has.

It seems like I've spent a fair amount of space just describing the things that are up there, and yet there's so much more to each that I could go on and on. So why do all this?

I dunno. I guess I have to. I can't *not* do it. Don't be afraid to write, either via email or facebook, and let me know your thoughts on the site.

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