You and I had been traveling, to our very important destination. We were to reach it together, after a long and difficult journey.
We had stopped for a while at a roadside cafe, when you decided that something was going wrong between us. I did not know what it was, but you had your mind made up.
We parted company.
After beginning my journey again, this time alone, I could see you at various points along the way, always trying to avoid my gaze, even though I wasn't trying to get you to look at me. On second thought, perhaps I was. Perhaps I wanted you to see that, while I was doing fine without you, I still wanted to have you by my side for the lengthy excursion.
You continued along, on almost the same path as me, all the while trying to show me me that I was not necessary. No need to worry - I knew that all along. The difference is all in the interpretation. If you had thought I was necessary, I would be. That's the only way it could happen.
Finally I stopped at a bar, and ordered a shot of something or other. I sat for a bit after drinking it, staring at the glass, turning it over and around, and finally setting it down gingerly. I asked the bartender how much I owed him.
"Usually those go for six bucks," he said, meandering his way around wiping a dirty glass. "But for you, it's on the house."
"Why is that?" I said, knowing that he knew the answer.
"You know."
We exchanged a knowing look, and I got up to leave. I knew where I was going, and nothing could stop me.
As I walked, I could see you a short distance behind me, though I never looked back. Dreams are like that, you know. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to stop, or were too proud to want that, but in either event, I walked on, eventually reaching some wide spot in the road, where I pulled over. Because dreams are like that, too. You can be walking somewhere, but end up getting there in a car.
I stopped, wondering if you could see me.
I hoped you could.
I wonder if you ever made it to your destination without me.
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